Believe it or not, your monthly bills are the ticket to your financial well-being. The way you handle those bills can make a difference that you can measure on the bottom line of your family finances. A good credit score (the higher, the better) is rewarded with good loan rates and access to money when you need it. A low credit score can cost you extra – even on your mortgage, where the debt is secured against your home. And you may be refused credit just when you need it most. You may want to check your own credit score once a year – to ensure that all the information in your file is accurate. You have a right to access your own credit records through a service like Equifax or Trans Union. There may be charges for mailing or internet downloading of your files, but it can pay to know your own credit score. It’s helpful to understand what’s behind that credit score: what impacts your score and what lenders are looking for when they check your credit. When those bills come in, do you pa...
Money Matters In Punjabi